Posted in Memoirs

Dream, Premonition or Nightmare???

Last Sunday, I had a dream, or whatever you want to call it.  It’s about my ex whom I broke up 3 years ago… I hate to think that I haven’t gotten over him… 

But how could I? 

 We built our dreams together, made plans and shared moments. But still, things are not meant to last, especially if it’s not really meant to be…

I don’t have to give the details about the dream, but it made me think that :

1) I will encounter him, sooner or later… (because most of my dreams appear in reality) or :

2) The dream is telling me to wake up and be over him…

Although it has been months since I last talked to him, (July if my memory serves me right…) Come to think of it, how can I forget the guy whom I’d thought will be my partner for the rest of my life?

But on the other hand… I thought, maybe he is not really meant for me…

Maybe there’s someone out there rightful for me… I just wish that he will come at the right time…

Or, wish he will come at least… =)